Broncos Defeat is Sweet Karma

First off, I like Tim Tebow. He’s a fine young man and seems to be a talented ball player.

Second, I don’t really follow pro football at all. Couldn’t really care much less. A bunch of millionaires who play the game, run by a bunch of multi-millionaires who own and manage the teams. The whole mess has become a circus manipulated by a bunch of billionaire media elite who decide how the game is played and scheduled so they can suck the most money from fans.

But I live in Colorado, and was ashamed at the way the fans here treated Kyle Orton as he was trying hard to create some wins for the team earlier this year, and to play his measly role of “placeholder” humbly while the team waited for little Tim Tebow to mature a bit. As he was trying to win games for them, the fans were chanting for Tebow. Can you imagine – your own fans chanting for the coach to bench you so an unproven kid can take your place?

But, fans can be amazing idiots. Any “mob” loses its mind. And Denver fans were no different. They just had to have their Tim. And they got him.

To Tim’s credit, he’s handled the unfair situation with grace and class. He’s proven himself to be a good and decent human being. I’m proud of him for that. Worth mentioning, Kyle proved himself to be a good and decent human being too – many times. I don’t think the fans were chanting Kyle down because they wanted a better human being at the QB position – they wanted a better quarterback. Continue reading “Broncos Defeat is Sweet Karma”