Christmas Tree Spiders

In response to Robert Sheldon’s “Christmas Tree Dilemma” article last week, a friend wrote in with a great story from their Christmas this year. Seems the whole “picking of the perfect tree” tradition is alive and well in her family as well, though this year it came with a surprising twist.

Christmas Morning Sunrise in the Mountains

After finding the World’s Most Perfect Christmas Tree, she and her family set the tree up in the living room and proceeded to celebrate a wonderful holiday around a most perfect tree. All went to bed on Christmas night with smiles on their faces, wonder in their heart, and warm feasts settled nicely in their belly. Little did they know that somewhere in the warmth of their tree lay the egg sack a spider left there last fall, lulled by the indoor glow into the illusion that it was time now for tiny little spiders to think about bursting forth into the world. Continue reading “Christmas Tree Spiders”

Christmas and the Praying Mantis

Christmas is a time for merriment; a time for caroling and inveterate expletives uttered at the strings of outdoor Christmas lights that inexplicably won’t light.  Yet beyond the generally festive mood, sometimes lurks a bit of Holiday tension.  At my house, this light-hearted strain  manifests itself as the perennial disagreement between me and my wife over the Christmas tree: artificial or real.  Just when the scrape has scabbed over from the previous year, here we are, picking at it as if trying to peel back the sticker on a Dole banana.

Continue reading “Christmas and the Praying Mantis”