Book Review – Diaries of Adam and Eve

Diaries of Adam and Eve
by Mark Twain
Author’s website

It has been a while since I read anything by Twain, and I’d forgotten just how delightful it is to read his stuff.

Folks who are pretty hung-up on political correctness will find it disturbing that Twain crafts his Adam and Eve characters around pretty common stereotypes of males and females. I wasn’t bothered by this at all, and found it quite interesting that the stereotypes from 150 years ago seem so consistent with our stereotypes from today.

This is a very quick read, but after finishing it, I found myself looking back through it and reading parts of it again. It’s full of little diary snippets where each of the pair describes both the Eden they live in, and this other creature that they have been paired and connected with.

I’ll be reading some additional Twain for sure, now that my taste for his wonderful wit and wisdom has been whetted again…

Author: Neil Hanson

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