Winter Sets Me Back

I only got to commute once this week – today. The snow from last weekend and the remaining cold temps made 2-wheeled travel unlikely for me.

I have set the dates for this summer’s epic rides, and now need to stay on the treadmill to get myself to the right level of fitness. I remain confident – I think that I can take a couple of weather setbacks like this in February – will probably even end up with one or two in March.

For the rides:

  1. We will for sure be leaving the weekend of the Triple Bypass, headed east. We have 3 alternate routes established from Denver to either Kansas City or Springfield (MO). Rides will be something between 600 and 700 miles, and we have a week to get them done. We are going to try and target a double century in there someplace if the weather cooperates.
  2. Two weeks later, we will do a ride in the mountains – exact route TBD but we have 2 or 3 we are considering. They are all over 150 miles with significant climbing.

I’m really excited about this – gives me a target to train for.

Author: Neil Hanson

Neil administers this site and manages content.