Organized Rides Falling Through for the Summer

Such a disappointing bunch of news this weekend. The Boulder Gran Fondo that we were going to ride in April has cancelled, as has the big one in Steamboat Springs for August.

So, looks like my big rides this year need to be unsupported deals. The “supported” aspect of a ride is really not the most appealing for me – it is the fact that I have shelled out money and have a committment to do a particular ride on a particular date, which forces me into some level of fitness discipline in order to avoid pain and embarrassment.

So, I will just need to find the self-discipline to do the training for some unsupported rides.

I do have the Iron Horse Classic at the end of May, and assuring fitness for that will help for sure. However, as I started looking at potential routes this weekend, it became clear to me that what I really want to do this year is tackle something bigger than the Triple Bypass – I really want to do a bigger ride.

So, I’ve been looking at a few routes. I either want to target a double-century thus summer, or else a mountain ride with significant climbing that is over 150 miles. Certainly possible to get both done this summer. To get there, I know that I need to be doing my first century rides in April, which is earlier than I have done them in the past. I will need to be doing the 110 miles Conifer/Morrison loop in May, and will need to expand that and find a loop with even more climbing and higher miles to be doing in July.

Rode the Canterbury loop on Saturday – that’s twice in January. Short loop but at least it’s some saddle time.

Author: Neil Hanson

Neil administers this site and manages content.